our platform

A 20 year history with specialty insurance.

The Edge Management Platform creates unique opportunities by virtue of the interactions the firm has with industry participants and leaders. And the firm maintains a rare vantage in markets by participating in industry leading activities within a sector, evaluating the risk reward proposition, the key economic drivers and working with sector players that are aligned with Edge to create unrealized value.

The life settlement market is a clear example. Edge Management along with its partner, Risk Capital Partners (www.rcps.com), are viewed in the industry as the leading risk mitigation and consulting experts with the only suite of life related solutions that are backed by highly rated US insurers.

Through the development of innovative solutions for industry participants including investment banks, hedge funds, life insurance re-insurers, banks and super-brokers, Edge has successfully mitigated risks and unlocked value where others could not.

We’re Here to Help

We offer many different services including, but not limited to, bespoke insurance, capital market access, credit enhancement, structuring ratable transactions, financial guarantee insurance, green clean tech insurance, hedge funds, improved credit worthiness, innovated insurance and finance, innovated risk solutions, insured balance sheets, insured financial projections, project finance, insured transactions, renewable diesel insurance, residual value insurance, revenue insurance, risk mitigation strategies, speciality insurance consulting, and specialty insurance solutions.
